Term Dates & Calendar

​​​​​​​Term dates 2025

Term 1

Thursday 30th January -School starts on Monday 3 February however,
classrooms will be open from 
1:00 -3:00pm for children and parents to meet the teachers & bring in stationery.

Monday 3 February - First day of 2025 for the children. (normal start time 8.45am).

Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day, no school.

Friday 11 April - Last day of Term 1 (Easter falls within the School Holidays).

Term 2

Monday 28 April - First day of Term 2.

Monday 2 June - King's Birthday, no school.

​​​​​​​Thursday 19 June - Teacher Only Day, no school.

​​​​​​​Friday 20 June - Matariki Public Holiday, no school.

Friday 27 June - Last day of Term 2.

Term 3

Monday 14 July - First day of Term 3.

Friday 19 September - Last day of Term 3.

Term 4

Monday 6 October - First day of Term 4.

​​​​​​​Thursday 23 October - Teacher Only Day, no school.

Friday 24 October - Hawke's Bay anniversary, no school.

Monday 27 October - Labour day, no school.

Wednesday 17 December 1:00pm finish - Last day of Term 4.​​​​​​​

School Calendar