Students in Year 2 love maths, they learn through a blended approach and work at different levels depending on their needs. They actively engage in maths groups with teachers and learn alongside teacher aides, they work with buddies and independently on learning grid activities that include games, worksheets, rich tasks, skill practice on Study Ladder (iPad) and hands-on practical activities.
There is always a learning hum rippling across each classroom; you can hear skip counting, dice rolling, answers being shared, students ordering numbers and so on. Mathematical thinking and reasoning conversations are occurring as students complete tasks, “53+22=75, you add the 5 to the 2 = 70. 3+2=5. 95+5=100. 52+52=104”. Maths tasks are completed on whiteboards, at desks, in books, at the Jelly Bean table or on the mat. The students have learnt about the number 100, or the importance of 100 days. Kiwiana kids built a maths city with aeroplanes and people and apartment buildings, and are currently creating mathematical farms.
Number/Numeracy learning you can hear and see in classrooms:
Number knowledge to 1,000 (naming, ordering, writing numbers, before numbers and after, the value of digits/place value).
Addition & subtraction of numbers that allow for place value strategies and or counting on/back.
Skip counting in 2, 5, 10s and beginning answer times tables for 2, 5 and 10.
Equal sharing strategies applied for solving division problems.
Fractional thinking (½, ¼, ¾).
Learning is not always easy, and the students recognise this. “Some of the tasks are easy and some are hard. If the tasks are hard we ask three people then we ask the teacher”, said students from Rainbow Ropu. “You learn and then you can help other people who do not know what to do. You can count to big numbers, hundreds. Sometimes you get really easy maths sheets - we can do these super fast, it feels good to move onto the next thing”, shared Kiwiana Kids.
The students love that they learn different things using varied ways, approaches and or strategies during maths time.
Article added: Wednesday 30 August 2023